Texto do site
www.aikenamps.com“ Q: Attempting to simultaneously operate a 4-ohm and a 8-ohm speaker from the 4-ohm and 8-ohm secondary taps of an output transformer...not a good idea---but, why?
A: If you run a 4 ohm speaker on the 4 ohm tap, it will reflect back, say, 8K to the primary. Now, if you also connect an 8 ohm speaker to the 8 ohm tap, it will also reflect back as 8K to the primary, so the tubes now are seeing a 4K load instead of the 8K they require. That's why it is a bad idea. Now, if you connected an 8 ohm speaker to the 4 ohm tap, and a 16 ohm speaker to the 8 ohm tap, the reflected impedance would be correct.”
https://www.aikenamps.com/index.php/technical-q-aOlá a todos
Com base no texto acima, pensei na seguinte ligação:
Amplificador de contrabaixo com transformador de saída primário 3,2 k ohms, secundário 4 e 8 ohms.
- Caixa 8 ohms ligado na saída de 4 ohms ( falante 15” );
- Caixa 16 ohms ligado na saída de 8 ohms ( 2 falantes 10” 8 ohms ) .
Está correto ? Existe algum problema neste tipo de ligação ?